Earlobe Repair in Jaipur

Most of us get scared when we hear the term ‘surgery’. Wouldn’t it be great to know that you can now get your earlobe repaired in Jaipur city without any surgery?

We know you would be interested to hear more about the same. To begin with, let us assure you that your precious earlobes are in safe hands here at Auroplasty Clinic. The procedure we adopt is comforting and well within your budget. Thus, we have become quite renowned for Earlobe repair in Jaipur.

Get your earlobe repaired with India’s trusted ear lobe specialist experts at Earholerepair

  • It is not safe – This is not true since our earlobes do not have any major blood vessels. Thus, the earlobe repair procedure is quite simple and 100% safe.
  • It is not common – Let us assure you that most of us face issues due to big earlobes. So, it is quite common to get your earlobes repaired to be able to wear nice earrings.
  • It is costly – We assure you that our earlobe repair procedure is very reasonably priced. You can ignore the surgical options available in the market which will burn a hole in your pocket. Instead, you can opt for our pocket-friendly service available in Jaipur.
  • It is time-consuming – Unlike other surgical procedures where you have to visit the clinic repeatedly, if you opt for us, you can get your earlobe repaired in one sitting only! We ensure that we close your existing hole and make a new piercing in one go.
  • It will leave a permanent scar – Since we have the best team of medical service providers within our organization, so our unique earhole repair procedure leaves you with minimal scarring. Our treatment providers treat each patient with the utmost care and you get highly customized treatment basis your medical history.

We recommend you to visit our testimonial section to get a glimpse of how happy our patients have been with our services. We want you to experience world-class service at the hands of our highly qualified doctor, Dr Poonam Sharma. It is a boon for anyone looking for Earlobe repair in Jaipur and we hope you will love our team. We have such a high success rate that even if people have doctors in their own families, still they opt to be treated by our medical team!

In the meantime, we request you to take good care of your earlobes and wish you the best of health!

Let us leave you with some interesting facts regarding Earlobe Repair:-

  • When you wear heavy earrings for a long period of time, it can result in stretching your earhole piercing. This pull can cause tear and sometimes your earlobe can split down to the centre.
  • If you have a piercing close to the bottom of your earlobes then it can cause your precious earrings to rip through the same. You can ultimately end up losing your jewellery or even infecting your ear if you do not opt for earlobe repair surgery.